
Hidden Airport Room Exposes Military Aiding Illegals: Whistleblower Speaks Out!

In a shocking video captured by Republican State Senator Colton Moore, a hidden room at Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport has been exposed. What’s even more alarming is that in this room, a U.S. service member can be seen guarding a group of illegal immigrants. It seems that our airports have become a playground for those who refuse to respect our laws.

Thanks to a courageous whistleblower who noticed the influx of illegal migrants passing through the airport, this disturbing footage was brought to light. The Daily Caller obtained the video, which reveals a room packed with migrants, all under the watchful eye of a uniformed soldier. To make matters worse, volunteers from Team Libertad, an organization known for aiding migrants, were also present. It’s clear that these individuals are not concerned with upholding the rule of law.

In the video, a volunteer from Team Libertad proudly boasts, “We’re all getting them flights to where they need to be.” This shocking admission proves that these so-called helpers are facilitating the transportation of illegal immigrants across our country. It’s a slap in the face to every American who believes in the importance of secure borders and the enforcement of immigration laws.

Team Libertad, operating under the nonprofit Inspiritus, holds a startling influence at the airport. They greet migrants and escort them to their gate, allowing them to fly commercially without proper identification. Shockingly, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) permits the use of alternative forms of ID, such as arrest warrants and court appearance notices. This liberal leniency only encourages further illegal immigration and undermines the integrity of our immigration system.

The Georgia National Guard was quick to distance themselves from this scandal, claiming they were unaware of any such activity involving their personnel. Yet, the Pentagon has failed to respond to inquiries about this disturbing matter. It seems that those responsible for our national security are turning a blind eye to the rampant lawlessness that is occurring right under their noses.

This video and the whistleblower’s testimony are clear evidence of an alarming increase in illegal migrants passing through Atlanta’s international airport. It’s a glaring reminder that our borders are not secure and our immigration system is in dire need of reform. We cannot allow organizations like Team Libertad to continue aiding and abetting those who break our laws. It’s time for a tough stance on immigration and a commitment to protecting the American people. Our sovereignty depends on it.

Written by Staff Reports

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