
Hillary Clinton Bitter & Delusional: Attacks Carlson, Trump & Revives Russia Hoax

In a recent interview with MSNBC, Hillary Clinton proved once again that she just can’t let go of her bitterness over losing to President Donald Trump in 2016. She attacked not only Trump but also Tucker Carlson, and of course, she brought up the tired old “Russia, Russia, Russia” hoax. It’s quite amusing to see how obsessed she still is with this conspiracy theory, considering she herself peddled disinformation during the 2016 campaign.

Clinton took a cheap shot at Carlson for interviewing Putin, suggesting that it somehow reflects poorly on him and right-wing media. But isn’t that what journalists are supposed to do? They’re not there to push the Democratic narrative like she did. And let’s not forget that she had her own questionable dealings with Putin, including that infamous attempt at a Russian reset. Yet, she has the audacity to criticize Carlson for being a journalist while she herself failed miserably on the world stage.

She even went as far as calling Tucker a “useful idiot” for Russia, as if she’s an expert on idiocy. It’s ironic that she attacks him for being fired from outlets, considering her own failure to win the presidency. Maybe she should take a look in the mirror before throwing stones at others. But that’s just not her style.


Not content with attacking Carlson, Clinton also tried to blame Trump for the border crisis and accused Republicans of blindly following his orders. It’s quite laughable, really. Democrats spent years calling Trump a racist for his tough stance on immigration, and now they expect us to believe they suddenly care about border security? Give me a break. The real reason Republicans oppose the Democratic bill is because it’s a disaster. It’s poorly thought out and would only lead to more problems at the border.

And let’s not forget about Joe Biden’s role in all of this. He’s the one who created the crisis at the border with his weak policies and refusal to enforce the law. Trump had a secure border, and Biden turned it into a record-breaking mess. He doesn’t need a new bill to fix this, he just needs to actually enforce the existing laws. But Biden would rather rule as he sees fit instead of following the rule of law.

Lastly, it’s both sad and hilarious that Clinton is still pushing the Russia collusion narrative. No one believes her anymore, yet she continues to cling to this desperate attempt to discredit Trump. It’s clear that she can’t accept the fact that she lost fair and square. If only she had a conscience, maybe the rest of us could feel sorry for her. But since she doesn’t, all we can do is laugh at her continued fuming and bitterness.

Written by Staff Reports

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