
House Report Exposes Dismal Biden-Harris Immigration Policy Results

The House Committee on Homeland Security has done its homework, and the results aren’t pretty for the Biden-Harris administration. Chairman Mark E. Green from Tennessee recently weighed in on a report revealing the dismal performance of the Family Expedited Removal Management (FERM) program, which was launched in May 2023 amid much fanfare. Spoiler alert: it’s proving to be just another empty promise in a long line of ineffective immigration policies.

According to findings that even the left-leaning New York Post couldn’t ignore, only about 2,600 illegal immigrants have been removed under this shiny new program, while the Border Patrol has apprehended nearly 850,000 people during the same period. The numbers paint a clear picture—between this administration’s grand claims and actual outcomes, there’s a gaping chasm that could fit a few truckloads of illegal immigrants.

Chairman Green made it clear that these figures aren’t just disappointing; they reflect a troubling trend where the current leadership seems less concerned with enforcing immigration laws and more focused on a public relations façade. He didn’t mince words, suggesting that the Biden-Harris duo, along with now-impeached DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, are committed to turning a blind eye to U.S. immigration law.

The administration’s approach appears to be one of denial wrapped in inaction, leaving many to scratch their heads as to why new programs are needed at all. The chairman argued that the simple responsibility of the government should be to actually detain and remove those who don’t have legal standing to be in the United States, a task that shouldn’t require a new title or program but rather a genuine commitment to the rule of law. One has to wonder if the administration’s concept of immigration reform includes a new bingo hall where everyone wins a free pass. 


Ultimately, it’s hard to ignore the growing frustration not just among lawmakers but among everyday Americans who see the border crisis deteriorating while their leaders offer little more than empty rhetoric. The statistics underscore a stark reality: ineffective policies are leading to a massive backlog of illegal immigration, and the current administration’s seemingly haphazard handling of the situation is only adding to the chaos. The question remains—how much longer will the American people tolerate an administration that can’t deliver on its promises to safeguard the border and uphold the law?

Written by Staff Reports

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