
Houthis’ Shocking Vow: No Peace Until Israel Bends to Hamas!

The Iran-backed Houthi terrorist organization in Yemen is causing trouble again, this time threatening to turn the Red Sea into a “graveyard.” Their threat comes in response to the United States announcing a coalition to stop Houthi pirate attacks on shipping vessels in the region. These attacks have been a major concern for international trade, as the Red Sea is a crucial route for global shipping.

What’s interesting is the reason behind the Houthi’s latest threat. It turns out they are angry at Israel for defending itself against the terrorist group Hamas. In October, Hamas launched a wave of atrocities in Israel, killing over 1,200 people and abducting countless others. It’s worth noting that the Houthi terrorist group supports Hamas’s goal of destroying Israel, and both groups receive financial support from Iran, the number one state sponsor of terrorism. Their official slogan even includes “death to the United States” and “curse the Jews.”

Now, the Houthis are targeting ships heading towards Israel or owned by Israelis. They are causing chaos and forcing companies to redirect their ships or modify their operations to avoid Houthi attacks. This is causing a significant disruption to global trade. Thankfully, the United States is taking action and has formed a multinational coalition to defend shipping in the region. Several countries, including Norway, the United Kingdom, Spain, the Seychelles, and even Bahrain (one of the few Middle Eastern countries friendly to Israel), have joined the coalition.

It’s important to stand up against these terrorist organizations and protect global trade. The Houthi’s threats and actions are only causing more harm and instability in the region. It’s clear that their ultimate goal is to eliminate Israel, no matter the cost. This is a dangerous ideology that must be countered. Kudos to the United States and its partners for taking a stand against these extremists.

Written by Staff Reports

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