
Hunter Biden Scandal: Media Lies Exposed, GOP Fights Back!

The liberal media is at it again, folks! They are desperately trying to bury the Hunter Biden scandal under a mountain of lies and deceit. But fear not, because House Republicans are stepping up to the plate and launching an impeachment inquiry. They might not be the best at articulating their message, but the truth will prevail.

Now, let’s talk about the evidence—or lack thereof, according to the media. They keep repeating that there is no evidence linking Joe Biden to his son’s shady dealings, but we all know that’s a bunch of hogwash. What father wouldn’t know that his son is raking in $20 million from questionable sources? It doesn’t take a genius to connect the dots here, folks. But the media wants you to believe that Joe Biden is as clueless as a goldfish.

And let’s not forget about the biased journalists who have been defending the Biden family. The Washington Post’s Philip Bump had a complete meltdown when confronted with the Hunter Biden bribery allegations. And now a former New York Times reporter, James Risen, couldn’t handle the pressure and hung up the phone during a podcast interview. These reporters are so soft, it’s laughable.

But here’s the thing—they can deny the evidence all they want, but it doesn’t change the facts. We may not have a signed memo from Joe Biden stating that he changed policies in exchange for payments to his son, but we have plenty of examples of Hunter’s business associates implicating Joe as the “big guy” who would get a cut of the action. The evidence is clear as day, folks.

Risen and other Biden defenders are just playing word games. They say there’s no evidence, but what they really mean is that there’s no undeniable proof. Well, news flash, folks—proof is hard to come by in cases like these. But that doesn’t mean the evidence doesn’t exist. We have emails from Hunter’s laptop, timelines of his travels, and statements from Burisma themselves. It’s all there, folks, if you’re willing to look.

So, buckle up, because this battle with the liberal media is far from over. They may try to ignore the truth and twist the facts, but we conservatives won’t back down. We’ll keep fighting for justice and exposing the corruption within the Biden family. Just like with the Russian collusion hoax, the truth will prevail in the end.

Written by Staff Reports

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