
Illegal Immigration Surges at Southern Border as Election Approaches

As the presidential election draws near, the southern border experiences a surge in illegal immigration, driven by individuals hoping to enter the United States before potential policy changes take effect. In Arizona, two undocumented immigrants from Colombia, Ricardo and Sebastian, shared concerns about the prospect of stricter entry rules in the event of a Trump victory. They voiced their apprehension about a potential Trump presidency and anticipated more rigorous immigration policies under his leadership.

According to The New York Post, several other undocumented immigrants have crossed the border and are awaiting transportation to various destinations within the U.S. Trump's campaign has pledged to tackle illegal immigration aggressively, promising to execute what he describes as the "largest mass deportation effort" in U.S. history. Tom Homan, former acting director of ICE for the Trump Administration, underscored the agency's capability to identify and remove individuals in the country unlawfully.

Since President Joe Biden took office, the nation has witnessed a significant uptick in encounters with undocumented immigrants due to shifts in border policies. Border Patrol agents have apprehended over 9.3 million undocumented individuals in less than four years, with more than seven million unlawfully entering the country. Many of these individuals have been involved in theft rings and criminal networks.

The Trump campaign aims to deport nearly 20 million undocumented immigrants, proposing to enlist the support of local law enforcement, the National Guard, and the military to achieve this objective. Eric Ruark, director of research at NumbersUSA, suggested that this goal is within reach given the historical influx of undocumented immigrants during Biden's administration.

Written by Staff Reports

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