
Iranian Officials Ordered to Echo Leader in Israel War Talk: Propaganda Machine Unleashed!

An Iranian propaganda outlet has warned regime officials to stick to the Supreme Leader’s talking points regarding the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. The outlet, Asr-e Iran, published an op-ed instructing officials not to suggest that Iran had any involvement in Hamas’ surprise attack on Israel, which sparked the war. The article urged officials to align with Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s statement that Iran supports the Palestinian resistance but was not directly involved in the attack. The op-ed also noted that Israel wants to use the war to vilify Iran and called on officials to avoid constructing theories or deviating from the regime’s official line.

While Iran’s government denies involvement in the attack, there is evidence to suggest otherwise. Reports revealed that Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah met with Iranian officials earlier this year, indicating preparations for a broader confrontation with Israel. Iran has a history of supporting proxy militia groups throughout the region, including Hamas and Hezbollah. The regime has been instrumental in empowering these terrorist organizations and has provided them with military training and weapons. This propaganda warning to regime officials only underscores Iran’s efforts to conceal its involvement in the conflict.

This news highlights the dangerous and deceptive nature of the Iranian regime. Iran has been a state sponsor of terrorism for years, supporting groups that seek to harm Israel and destabilize the Middle East. Their denial of involvement in the Israel-Hamas conflict is likely a tactic to avoid scrutiny and maintain a favorable global reputation. However, as more details emerge, it becomes increasingly clear that Iran plays a significant role in igniting this bloody conflict and poses a threat to regional stability. It is crucial for the international community to recognize and address Iran’s deceptive actions.

Written by Staff Reports

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