
Iran’s Puppets Kill 3 U.S. Heroes; Biden MIA on Support

The Department of Defense has revealed the names of the three brave service members who were tragically killed in a cowardly Iran-backed drone attack on American troops at an outpost in Jordan on January 28.

Sergeant William Jerome Rivers, 46, of Carrollton, Georgia, Specialist Kennedy Ladon Sanders, 24, of Waycross, Georgia, and Specialist Breonna Alexsondria Moffett, 23, of Savannah, Georgia, were all members of the 718th Engineer Company, a U.S. Army reserve unit based out of Fort Moore, Georgia, and were deployed to Jordan as part of Operation Inherent Resolve.

It’s a heartbreaking reminder of the risks our incredible military members face every day. These heroes surely would have preferred to be back home with their families and loved ones, but instead, they made the ultimate sacrifice in service to their country. Our hearts go out to their families and their fellow soldiers who are grieving their loss.

Incredibly, when asked about attending the dignified transfer at Dover Air Force Base or calling the families of the fallen soldiers, President Biden’s administration couldn’t offer a clear answer. This lack of leadership and support for our military families is unacceptable and deeply concerning.

It’s clear that Iran, through its proxy forces, has been relentlessly targeting U.S. troops in the region. The Biden administration’s feeble response of limited strikes and empty promises of deescalation have only emboldened these hostile actors. It’s time for real action and strength in the face of such blatant aggression.

It’s devastating to see these American heroes taken from us in such a cowardly attack. The sacrifices made by these brave servicemen and women must never be forgotten, and the United States must show unwavering support for our military and a resolute determination to confront those who seek to harm us.

Written by Staff Reports

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