
IRS Officials Protect Hunter Biden from Charges: True or Not?

In a striking disclosure, IRS agent Don Waldon has stepped forward alleging that prosecutors in both Washington D.C. and California obstructed U.S. Attorney David Weiss from leveling more serious charges against Hunter Biden. Waldon, the former head of the IRS’ Washington field office, delivered his testimony before the House Ways and Means Committee, shedding light on his insights related to the case, mirroring assertions previously made by IRS whistleblower, Gary Shapley.

Waldon reported that Weiss had approached the U.S. Attorney’s Office, but his efforts to prosecute the case in D.C. were thwarted, leading to considerable delays in the inquiry. Although Waldon minimized the extent of disagreement during a pivotal meeting about the investigation into Hunter Biden, he conceded that there was a diversity of views among those present.

Holding a higher position than Shapley in the IRS hierarchy, Waldon disclosed that Shapley experienced impediments in exploring certain dimensions of the case, such as interviewing witnesses and executing search warrants. However, Waldon contested Shapley’s insinuation that these hindrances were a result of political partiality.

Waldon couldn’t remember the exact timing of when the U.S. attorney in California opted against permitting Weiss to indict Hunter Biden in that jurisdiction, but he was of the opinion that the case had substantial merit. This is consistent with the earlier statements by another IRS agent, Michael Batdorf, who asserted that U.S. attorneys in California and Washington D.C. were uncooperative with Weiss in his efforts to charge Hunter Biden.

Notably, Waldon revealed that the U.S. Attorney’s Office ceased their interactions with Shapley, leading to his eventual removal from the case, a move Waldon suggested to maintain the momentum of the investigation. These disclosures call into question the assertions by U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland that Weiss possessed unrestrained authority to indict Hunter Biden.

The emerging details suggest the possibility of substantial meddling and pushback from prosecutors in the investigation into Hunter Biden. If substantiated, this brings up grave questions about the neutrality of the Department of Justice and might signal a concerted attempt to shield Hunter Biden from legal repercussions. A meticulous examination of this case is essential to uphold justice and restore the American public's trust in the uprightness of our legal institutions.

Written by Staff Reports

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