
IRS Whistleblowers Rewarded for Exposing Hunter Biden Scandal

The ongoing saga surrounding Hunter Biden continues to take bizarre turns, but at least there’s one positive note: the Trump administration has decided to promote two IRS whistleblowers who bravely stood up against the Biden machine. Despite their superiors apparently taking a page from the “retaliation playbook,” these agents are now getting the accolades they deserve, proving that integrity can still win out in the end—at least under the right leadership.

Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, the heroes of the hour, shined a light on the sluggish, suspicious investigation of Hunter Biden by the IRS. As it turns out, their bosses were not particularly interested in rooting out corruption. Instead, they opted to send Shapley and Ziegler packing from the Hunter investigation in May 2023—presumably to let the whole scandal slide quietly back into the shadows. Fortunately, the tables have turned, and these agents have been rewarded with promotions to senior advisers in the Treasury Department. Talk about a comeback story!

The plight of these whistleblowers is indicative of a broader problem: a government that punishes those who dare to expose corruption. It’s ironic that Shapley and Ziegler, who dedicated themselves to investigating Hunter Biden’s misconduct, were treated like “skunks at a picnic” by the very administration that should have applauded their efforts. It seems that standing up for truth is an increasingly risky endeavor, especially when the “big guy” is involved. Nonetheless, now these agents are receiving their due recognition, allowing them to contribute to reforming the very agency that sought to silence them. 


Senator Chuck Grassley, championing the cause of these brave agents, noted the qualities of bravery, expertise, and integrity they displayed. These are virtues that should be celebrated rather than punished. Despite the Biden administration’s efforts to stifle their voices, Shapley and Ziegler remain committed to doing what’s right, regardless of the personal consequences they faced. In a world where truth is often obscured, having individuals willing to risk their careers to uphold transparency is crucial.

While Hunter Biden continues his legal battles, his attorney’s attempts to silence the whistleblowers reveal the lengths to which the left will go to protect their own. A lawsuit was filed against the IRS by Hunter’s team, reiterating the fact that, as usual, those on the left can’t handle the heat of accountability. The Biden administration may continue to try to sweep this scandal under the rug, but the IRS whistleblowers have shown that not only can truth prevail, but that it can also lead to much-needed change within government institutions—if only more would take the plunge and blow the whistle.

Written by Staff Reports

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