
Israel’s 9/11: Hamas Strikes on Yom Kippur, Biden’s Iran Policy to Blame?

In a shocking display of incompetence and intelligence failure, Israel was caught sleeping during a recent assault by Hamas on October 7th. This attack, occurring on the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, marks one of the worst failures since the 1973 conflict that almost destroyed Israel. It is absolutely mind-boggling that the highly capable agencies of Shin Bet and Mossad failed to anticipate and prevent this assault. Heads must roll, and a thorough investigation is necessary to understand how Jerusalem could have let this happen.

Hamas took advantage of the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah to launch a coordinated attack involving land, sea, and air elements. This level of sophistication could not have been achieved without outside help, and it comes as no surprise that Iran has admitted to assisting in planning the assault. The Biden administration’s weak and inept approach to dealing with Iran has potentially allowed for these terror operations to be subsidized with billion-dollar care packages. It is deeply concerning that American taxpayer dollars could be indirectly funding terrorism against our closest ally in the Middle East.

The death toll has risen to a horrifying 700, and reports of kidnappings, rapes, and murders of Israeli citizens caught in the crossfire are emerging. This is Israel’s own 9/11 moment, and it is a stark reminder of the ever-present threat that terrorists pose. The footprint left by Hamas is astounding, with around 1,000 terrorists storming into Israeli territory, causing chaos and destruction. Israel is mobilizing its forces and preparing for a potential multi-front war, as Hezbollah has already launched rocket and mortar attacks in the north. This situation demands a swift and decisive response to protect Israeli lives and restore peace and stability to the region.


As if the situation couldn’t get any worse, Hamas and Islamic Jihad have taken over 130 civilians captive, including soldiers, women, children, and older adults. They have brazenly claimed that these innocent people will be used as bargaining chips for the release of Palestinian prisoners. It is utterly despicable and showcases the barbaric nature of these terrorists. The international community must condemn these actions and stand firmly with Israel in its fight against these bloodthirsty extremists.

While Israel suffers and fights for its survival, it is deeply disturbing to see individuals at home, abroad, and even within our own Congress taking the side of these terrorists. It is a betrayal of our values and an affront to the alliance that has long existed between the United States and Israel. We must never forget that Israel is the only true democracy in the Middle East, a beacon of freedom and stability in a region plagued by chaos and oppression. It is our duty to stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel, support its right to defend itself, and ensure its continued existence in the face of terrorism.

Written by Staff Reports

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