Jake Tapper, the esteemed journalist of CNN fame, has decided to don the cap of an author, announcing a new book with Axios’ Alex Thompson, cheekily titled “Original Sin: President Biden’s Decline, Its Cover-Up, and His Disastrous Choice to Run Again.” The cover art, featuring Biden covering his face, is an unintentional yet fitting metaphor for the many attempts to mask the glaring issues with the President’s mental acuity—a cover-up touted by Tapper himself. One has to wonder why he waited until now to unveil the truth, considering he participated in the very cover-up he describes.
The reaction on social media has been nothing short of a spectacle. Tapper’s big announcement fell flat, leading to a swift and thorough ratio on X, with more than 5,000 replies dissecting the absurdity of him trying to sell a book about a scandal he helped propagate. Perhaps Tapper thought he could simply rewrite history with a well-timed publication. Aaron Walker from Twitchy showcased the best responses to Tapper’s announcement, reminding the public of his previous dismissals regarding Biden’s cognitive state. The hypocrisy is as thick as a New England fog.
The book’s Amazon description proposes an explosive narrative, positioning Biden’s decision to seek reelection as an act of monumental folly. It claims that Biden—you know, the same man who often looks lost while reading a teleprompter—was surrounded by enablers who encouraged the charade of his fitness for office. These insiders’ revelations, according to Tapper and Thompson, will unveil the magnitude of the effort to keep the public blind to what everyone with functional eyesight could see.
In a delightful dose of irony, the description suggests that Biden’s decision to run was a desperate gamble that turned disastrous, leading to his downfall and subsequently empowering Donald Trump. The reach of this particular political farce casts a long shadow over accountability. Ironically, this whole situation might feel like a Greek tragedy to some, but few would shed a tear for the Democrats left in the aftermath of another sloppy Biden campaign.
Is Jake Tapper for Real With His Upcoming Book on Biden?
https://t.co/dJLuh6hzCX— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) February 26, 2025
What’s more, Tapper, as a so-called “respected journalist,” is under scrutiny for having turned a blind eye to Biden’s decline for far too long. After years of confronting those who raised the issue of Biden’s fitness, Tapper is now cashing in on his book about this alleged cover-up. From scoffing at critics to outright ridiculing them, he now has the audacity to claim that he’s bringing the truth to light. Given the recent polling that indicated a significant portion of voters felt both the media and Biden were hiding the truth, one has to question whether Tapper plays the part of the hero or the villain in this unfolding tragedy.
As the debate rages over whether Tapper’s revelations come too little, too late, it’s clear he is cashing in on a narrative that he helped worsen. The book might market itself as essential reading for anyone interested in American politics, yet, it raises an eyebrow or two regarding the integrity of the messenger. In a time when factual information is crucial, the timing of this exposé feels more like a desperate attempt to capitalize on a political blunder rather than a genuine quest for the truth. After all, when money talks, even the most respected may lose their voice.