
JD Vance Outshines Kamala Harris in Latest Polls, Mainstream Media in Disarray

Polling has revealed that Republican vice presidential nominee Senator JD Vance of Ohio is enjoying greater popularity than the presumptive Democrat presidential nominee, Kamala Harris. This shocking revelation might just send several mainstream media pundits into a tizzy as their carefully crafted narratives take a hit.

According to a recent Wall Street Journal poll, 42 percent of registered voters have a favorable opinion of Vance, with only 44 percent viewing him unfavorably. Meanwhile, Harris finds herself in a less glittering position—52 percent of respondents view her unfavorably, compared to 46 percent who think positively of her. This is the most favorable view Harris has received in the 2024 cycle, but let’s not kid ourselves; being less despised than before isn’t exactly winning a popularity contest.

CNN’s Harry Enten expressed bewilderment over Donald Trump’s choice of Vance as a running mate, citing Vance’s so-called “subpar” net favorability. But it appears voters aren’t subscribing to that narrative, demonstrating that sometimes the media’s crystal ball is remarkably foggy. Polling data from FiveThirtyEight shows Harris’s approval rating to be a net dismal 13.7 percent. When it comes to Democrats, it seems that not even the sunshine of Kamala’s latest approval ratings can pierce the overcast sky of her unfavorable perceptions.

In what might be the most predictable response in political history, Harris and her cohort have resorted to name-calling, dubbing Vance “weird.” However, Democrats might want to take a good look in the mirror before throwing stones — especially when many of their own behaviors could be classified as, well, a touch eccentric. Vance has taken Harris’s criticisms in stride, stating that being targeted by Democrats is essentially a badge of honor, a necessary price for public service. It seems the man can even find humor in being attacked by the same party that embodies much of what’s “weird” in modern politics.

Adding insult to injury, a Senate Opportunity Fund poll shows a huge majority of Americans disapprove of Harris’s alignment with President Biden’s disastrous policies, including the Defund the Police movement and the ongoing migrant crisis. Even her attempts to keep Americans connected to high-speed internet have fallen flat. Voters are clearly connecting the dots, placing blame squarely on her shoulders when it comes to the failures of the Biden administration.

Moreover, the adjectives used to describe Harris by poll respondents are overwhelmingly negative. Being labeled as “unqualified” or “unprepared” seems to be the consensus. If this doesn’t spell disaster for her already shaky campaign, nothing will. When asked who better unifies the country, the results favored Trump over Harris slightly, with 44 percent opting for Trump, while only 43 percent chose Harris. In the critical swing states, Trump’s margin increases, suggesting that even those on the fence are choosing to lean in favor of the former president.

With every new poll, it becomes evident that Vance’s presence on the ticket is not merely a strategic choice but could turn out to be a pivotal factor in the upcoming election. As the Democrats continue to misfire and mislabel the opposition, the Republican Party stands poised to capitalize on their fumbling portrayal of American leadership. All in all, it seems that voters are more interested in substance than style, and the results tell a story that the mainstream media may find unpleasant to report.

Written by Staff Reports

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