
Jill Biden Hosts UNESCO Event: Betraying Israel for Anti-Semitic Group?

In a shocking display of support for antisemitism, First Lady Jill Biden is set to host a ceremony at the White House to honor the United States’ re-entry into the unapologetically anti-Israel United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). This move comes at a time when Vice President Joe Biden is supposedly expressing sympathy with Israel as it defends itself against the terrorist organization Hamas. It seems like a classic case of mixed messages from the Biden administration.

Hamas, a group known for its heinous attacks on innocent Israelis, has been responsible for the deaths of over 1,400 people, yet the Biden administration is cozying up to an organization that has shown a consistent bias against Israel. It’s no wonder that many conservatives are questioning the true priorities of this administration.

To make matters worse, it was just last year that Congress passed a law allowing the United States to rejoin UNESCO and pay back the hundreds of millions of dollars it owed the organization. This move overturns previous legislation barring the United States from funding any United Nations organization that gives the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) the same standing as member states. In other words, our tax dollars are now funding a group that undermines our ally, Israel.

Under the Obama administration, the United States and Israel both pulled out of UNESCO due to its blatant antisemitism and numerous resolutions condemning Israel. We cannot forget the disgraceful denial of any Jewish connection to Jerusalem by this organization. Yet here we are, with the Biden administration pushing for our re-entry.

Interestingly, Israel has not followed suit and rejoined UNESCO, despite being a member of UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee. It’s clear that they understand the dangers of aligning themselves with an organization that has shown hostility towards their country.

It’s disheartening to see the Biden administration prioritize rejoining a biased and anti-Israel organization over supporting our strongest Middle Eastern ally. This move sends a dangerous message to the world and undermines our national interests. Conservatives must remain vigilant in holding this administration accountable for its inexplicable actions.

Written by Staff Reports

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