
Johnson Slashes IRS Funds to Back Israel with $14.3B Aid!

In a bold move to support America’s strongest ally in the Middle East, House Republicans, led by Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), have introduced a $14.3 billion aid package for Israel. Unlike President Joe Biden’s request, which bundled aid for Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan, and the southern border into one massive bill, Johnson has decided to focus solely on Israel. This decision has drawn criticism from Democrats who prefer a more comprehensive approach.

Speaking on Fox News, Johnson emphasized the urgency of addressing the situation in Israel. He is confident that there will be bipartisan support for the aid package and is determined to push it through. Israel is currently facing an invasion by Hamas, a Palestinian terrorist group, which has heightened the need for immediate assistance.

The price tag of the aid package will be covered by cutting funds from Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, specifically $14.3 billion from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). While Democrats have celebrated this move, conservatives have voiced their opposition to cutting funds from another domestic program to support a foreign country. Representative Chip Roy (R-TX) from the House Freedom Caucus expressed his concerns about writing a blank check for foreign aid while America is burdened with debt and border crisis.

Despite the potential conservative support gained through the IRS cuts, the passage of this bill is not guaranteed. Hardline conservatives like Representatives Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Thomas Massie (R-KY) have already declared their intent to vote against it. Additionally, the decision to vote on Israel’s aid as a standalone bill mixed with the spending cuts is likely to draw opposition from most, if not all, Democrats.

The House plans to hold a vote on the aid package as early as Thursday. However, even if it passes the House, it faces an uphill battle in the Senate. Several Senate Republicans have expressed their support for Biden’s broader request and are focused on Ukraine. A hearing scheduled on Tuesday will feature testimonies from Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, further complicating the prospects of the standalone Israel aid package.

Written by Staff Reports

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