
Jordan Peterson’s Bold New Plan Will Outrage the Left!

Last week, the free speech in Canada took a hit when a court ruled against Jordan Peterson, a psychologist and best-selling author. Peterson had been ordered by the College of Psychologists of Ontario (CPO) to undergo social media reeducation as a disciplinary action for his controversial public comments on topics such as transgenderism and political figures. Despite Peterson’s arguments, the three Ontario Divisional Court judges upheld the CPO order, claiming that it does not prevent him from expressing himself on controversial topics. This ruling has raised concerns about the limits on free speech in Canada.

In response to the ruling, Peterson made it clear that he plans to make the process as public as possible. He released all the documents related to the charges against him and intends to use film, audio recordings, or extensive notes and commentary to shed light on his situation. Peterson believes it is necessary for the public to see for themselves who is acting unprofessionally in this case. His determination to make everything public showcases his commitment to defending his right to free speech.

Peterson is not hesitant to express his opinions on social media, arguing that as a professional, he has an obligation to address issues affecting society. He particularly expressed dissatisfaction with the actions of a surgeon who he claims is performing unnecessary surgeries on minors, as well as celebrities who promote surgical enhancements and influence young women to undergo sterilization and mutilation. Peterson believes it is his professional responsibility to speak out against these practices.

When asked about the motivations behind the efforts against him, Peterson pointed to an ideological possession that he believes has overtaken Canada, leading to the unraveling of principles upon which the country is built. He linked the attempt to tear down Western civilization to a historical pattern of spite and resentment towards success and usefulness. Peterson also highlighted the relationship between narcissism, psychopathy, manipulativeness, and left-wing authoritarian political viewpoints.

In conclusion, Peterson’s battle to defend free speech in Canada has become a public crusade, with him vowing to expose the process and share his opinions through various means. His case highlights growing concerns about the limits on freedom of speech and the ideological motives behind attempts to silence certain viewpoints.

Written by Staff Reports

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