
Judge Defies Trump’s Lawyer, Ignores Former President’s Alleged Agenda Warning

In a fiery exchange during his civil fraud trial, former President Donald Trump took aim at Judge Arthur Engoron after the judge allowed him to speak. Initially, Engoron had denied Trump the opportunity to speak on a day reserved for closing arguments in the case brought forth by New York State Attorney General Letitia James. The case alleges that Trump and his sons, as well as their businesses, inflated the value of their enterprises and properties. However, after Trump’s lawyers presented their closing arguments, Engoron granted Trump five minutes to make his case.

During his brief address, Trump vehemently stated, “I did nothing wrong. They should pay me for what we’ve had to go through.” Lashing out at the judge, he whispered, “I know you have your agenda.” Engoron swiftly reprimanded Trump, urging his attorney Christopher Kise to control his client’s behavior.

Before allowing Trump to speak, Engoron warned him to stick to the law and facts. Trump responded, “This case goes outside of just the facts… The facts are that the financial statements were perfect, [and] the banks were as happy as can be.” Trump adamantly maintained his innocence, asserting, “I’ve been persecuted… This is a political witch hunt.”

As Trump’s allotted time came to an end, Engoron signaled for him to wrap it up. Displaying his trademark brashness, Trump challenged the judge, questioning, “You can’t listen for more than one minute?” Following the trial, Trump held an informal news conference where he criticized Attorney General James, claiming she suffered from “serious Trump Derangement Syndrome.”

In his remarks to the media, Trump called James an “out-of-control attorney general” and accused her of harboring a deep dislike for him. He vehemently defended himself, stating, “These loans were all good. The banks were extremely happy with me. They still are.”

This heated exchange highlights the intense political undertones surrounding the trial and raises questions about the motivations behind the prosecution of Trump. While the case centers on allegations of fraud, Trump is making it clear that he believes there is more at play. As the trial continues, both sides are fiercely defending their positions, setting the stage for a contentious outcome.

Written by Staff Reports

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