
Kamala Harris Cries Wolf: Taps Liberal Megadonors to Fight AI ‘Threat’

Wednesday, Vice President Kamala Harris unveiled a novel endeavor that is certain to provoke disapproval from conservatives. By garnering support from multiple megadonors on the left wing, her objective is to counteract "disinformation" and safeguard "democracy" against purported threats posed by artificial intelligence. There were a variety of responses to this declaration, with some individuals commending the endeavor and others perceiving it as a liberal agenda masquerading as a worthy cause.

The endeavor, which has amassed contributions in excess of $200 million, is financed in part by philanthropists on the left wing spectrum, including Pierre Omidyar and George Soros. A number of philanthropic organizations, including Soros' Open Society Foundations, Omidyar's Omidyar Network, and Democracy Fund, are participating in this undertaking. Their objective, as stated in the project description, is to prevent AI from having an adverse effect on elections or so-called "marginalized" groups.

These left-leaning philanthropies, according to the initiative document, "support initiatives to protect U.S. democracy from the potentially destabilizing effects of AI." The text proceeds to discuss their endeavors in protecting public confidence, countering misinformation, and ensuring free and fair elections. Furthermore, the document emphasizes the financial support provided to initiatives that seek to establish AI governance frameworks that are both inclusive and respectful of human rights. Particular attention is given to projects that target historically marginalized communities.

The initiative is anticipated to be unveiled by Vice President Harris during a "Global Summit on AI Safety" that is taking place in the United Kingdom. The project's fact document from the White House also highlights their endeavors to inform policymakers and advocate for the application of AI in order to mold policy that is both efficient and fair.

Although this initiative may be regarded favorably by the left, skeptics are quick to highlight the political leanings of the donors. According to OpenSecrets, George Soros contributed an enormous $178,810,550 to the Democratic Party during the 2022 midterm elections, but not a single dime to the Republican Party. According to the Federal Election Commission, Soros' son Alex has assumed control of Open Society Foundations and has been actively supporting Democrats.

Conversely, OpenSecrets reports that Pierre Omidyar contributed $250,000 to a NeverTrump PAC in 2016. Significant grants have been provided by the Open Society Foundations and Omidyar's Democracy Fund to organizations including the Voter Registration Project (VRP). VRP, which claimed to be nonpartisan, intended to aid the Democratic Party in its 2020 electoral campaign, according to a report by the investigative organization Capital Research Center.

These left-wing megadonors appear to have their fingers in numerous vessels. The Ford Foundation, for example, contributed $15 million in seed funding to the establishment of the Black Feminist Fund. A separate coalition, comprising the MacArthur Foundation, Democracy Fund, Ford Foundation, and Open Society Foundations, has made a financial commitment in excess of $500 million to support and influence local media organizations. Recognized for its philanthropic support of left-leaning organizations like Planned Parenthood and the Environmental Defense Fund, the MacArthur Foundation has allocated $150 million in grants to spearhead the coalition.

At this time, conservatives are merely observers as Vice President Harris and her allies on the left advocate for this initiative. It remains to be seen whether it genuinely safeguards democracy or solely promotes a specific political agenda. The White House, Democracy Fund, Open Society Foundations, Ford Foundation, and MacArthur Foundation have not yet responded to requests for comment from The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Written by Staff Reports

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