
Kamala Harris Least Popular VP Ever Exemplifies Biden Admin’s Focus on Diversity Over Competence

Vice President Kamala Harris has consistently proven to be the political equivalent of a participation trophy—everyone knows she’s there, but nobody really understands why. As the Biden administration trudges along, Harris stands out for holding the coveted title of the least popular VP in modern history. And when one takes a look at her credentials, or lack thereof, it becomes clear that her position was less about capability and more about fitting a convenient narrative.

From the get-go, it was apparent that Harris was brought aboard not based on a robust resume, but to fulfill a quota in the Democratic Party’s ever-expanding DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) initiative. After all, who needs qualifications when you can check boxes on skin color and gender? The irony is that during the Trump administration, America thrived, yet the current regime seems more focused on ensuring their diversity metrics align than tackling real issues like inflation or border security.

Looking back at the selection process, it’s almost comical. Kamala wasn’t Biden’s first choice; he had his sights set on other more competent candidates like Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan. Yet, as the summer of 2020 saw the rise of Black Lives Matter, the Democrats had to scramble to make a choice that would appease the left while also maintaining the optics of progressiveness. Thus, Harris emerged as the choice for the VP slot—because nothing says competence like fulfilling a diversity mandate amid social unrest.

Even prominent figures within the party have hinted at the real motivators behind the decision. The late Senator Harry Reid himself let slip that skin color played a significant role in the selection of Harris, indicating that her presence was seen primarily as a campaign asset rather than a functional utility. This raises eyebrows about the priorities of the Biden administration. If fulfilling DEI goals takes precedence over actual governance, what does that say about their commitment to the American people?

In the wake of criticism, there are those, like Rep. Maxwell Frost from Florida, who defend Harris vehemently against allegations of being a mere “DEI hire.” Frost seems to think comparing Harris to a figurehead is solely rooted in racism and misogyny, completely missing the broader point: the American people are looking for effective leadership, not social experimentations. Equating Harris’s selection to a meager “experience” measurement against figures like Donald Trump or J.D. Vance seems more like a weak deflection than a solid argument.

One thing is clear: as long as the Biden administration prioritizes diversity over qualifications, the country can expect more of the same mediocrity. Harris’s tenure is less about what she brings to the table and more about how she fits into the Democratic playbook of identity politics. For concerned conservatives watching from the sidelines, this serves as a sobering reminder of what happens when political correctness overrules practical wisdom.

Written by Staff Reports

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