
Kamala Harris Revives Debunked Trump Hoax in Latest Political Attack

The latest round of political tennis has Vice President Kamala Harris swinging her racket with an old favorite: the “very fine people” hoax aimed at spreading misinformation about former President Trump. In a repeat performance from previous debates and campaign appearances, Harris raked up the long-debunked claim that Trump referred to neo-Nazis as “very fine people.” Funny how something so thoroughly discredited can still have legs, but it appears that the Democrats are committed to keeping this tired narrative alive.

What Kamala didn’t mention—probably because it clashes with the narrative—is that Trump condemned neo-Nazis and white supremacists “totally.” He didn’t just toss a half-hearted remark into the air; he firmly denounced those groups while using the phrase “very fine people” to refer specifically to non-violent protesters who were there to express their views on a Confederate statue. Context matters, a fact that seems to evaporate whenever the left gets their hands on it.

Even Snopes, the go-to fact-checking site for those who adore double-checking their beliefs, finally put their stamp of disapproval on this whole debacle after seven years of it festering in political debates. They confirmed that Trump did NOT label neo-Nazis as “very fine people.” Instead, they clarified that in his remarks, he was highlighting those who protested non-violently, but let’s not forget: the left is more comfortable with a catchy slogan than the messy, nuanced truth.

Harris’ misstep isn’t just a slip of the tongue; it’s an entire misfiring of the political narrative that was instrumental in Biden’s underwhelming campaign. The original misquote served as his rallying cry in 2019, helping to frame his entire candidacy. Now, with Biden facing a tough reelection and mounting pressure to step aside, it’s almost comical to see the Biden Administration dragging out this well-worn chestnut like a holiday ornament that nobody wants but can’t seem to throw away.

The irony has not escaped many observers, especially in light of the 2020 vice presidential debates when Pence was on stage, setting the record straight about the “very fine people” myth while Harris remained steadfast in her incorrect claims. Yet even now, in a time when facts might matter more than ever, there’s little appetite from the Democrats or the mainstream media to revisit the truth. Perhaps truth itself has become just another casualty in the political war for hearts and minds.

If anything is being exposed here, it’s the outrageous lengths to which the Democrats will go to sustain a false narrative—because when you’re grasping for straws in a tough election cycle, a good myth is better than a bad truth. So hang onto your hats! If the “very fine people” hoax is getting resurrected, who knows what other outdated smears could be lurking just around the corner?

Written by Staff Reports

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