
Kemp Greenlights Vote on New GA City: Local Control or Fiscal Chaos?

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp has put his seal of approval on a measure that could potentially shake up Gwinnett County. The new law gives local voters a chance to make the big decision on whether or not to form a new city in their neck of the woods.

Under Senate Bill 333, Gwinnett County residents will have the power to vote in November on whether a brand spanking new city of Mulberry should come to life. This new city would occupy a sizeable chunk of about 25.9 square miles in the northeastern part of the county, with an expected population of roughly 41,000 folks.

House Majority Leader Chuck Efstration, R-Auburn, is all in on the idea. He’s eager for the residents to have more say in their local matters, like planning and zoning decisions, without getting hit with a city property tax. A plus in his book.

But not everyone’s doing cartwheels over this cityhood proposal. State Rep. Dewey McClain, D-Lawrenceville, has some bones to pick. First off, he’s not thrilled that a relatively small number of residents would have the final say on such a major change. Plus, he’s fretting about the financial hit that Gwinnett County might take if Mulberry becomes a thing. He’s got a whopping $9 million on his mind and is wondering who’s going to be stuck picking up that hefty tab.

McClain isn’t mincing words. He’s calling out the rush to make this big decision and even suggesting a less-than-flattering new name for the potential new city. Ouch!

It’s a classic tale of folks on one side cheering for more local control and those on the other side warning of potential money troubles. With the vote set for November, the tension is sure to keep growing in the Peach State.

Written by Staff Reports

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