
Kennedy Endorses Trump, Targets Big Pharma and CDC in Health Overhaul Plan

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has thrown down the gauntlet for what a second term under Donald Trump should prioritize—namely a full-frontal assault on America’s health crisis. Forget about the usual political posturing; Kennedy’s got plans that rove straight into the heart of America’s chronic disease epidemic, blaming it on the very establishments designed to keep the public healthy.

In a recent morale-boosting rally for Trump, Kennedy, who decided to ditch his independent run to endorse the former president, outlined his vision to overhaul the pharmaceutical and food industries. This isn’t just some pie-in-the-sky proposition. Kennedy has made a name for himself by taking legal battles to agencies that many see as swallowed whole by corporate interests—the CDC, FDA, and NIH. He claims to know the ropes and believes he can “unravel” the web of corporate capture ensnaring these institutions.

Kennedy’s theory of action hinges on reimagining the $42 billion NIH budget, which currently fuels a pharmaceutical industry that treats symptoms rather than aiming to heal the root causes of chronic illness. A tall order, but Kennedy believes it could pave the way to a healthier America. He plans to lift the veil on culprits such as high fructose corn syrup, which he ties to the growing obesity rates. With proper science to back up these claims, he sees the courtroom becoming the venue for change.

Alongside his health initiative, Kennedy also had a few pointers for Trump regarding how to engage Vice President Kamala Harris in the upcoming debate. Specifically, he suggested that Trump should take a moment to address Harris’s track record, particularly her role in what Kennedy described as “gaslighting” the nation about President Biden’s mental fitness. This back-and-forth is shaping up to be an intense showdown as Harris takes center stage to represent the Democrats’ futility in facing off against Trump.

While the Democratic primary field has dramatically narrowed—Biden has chosen to bow out and pass the torch to Harris—Kennedy isn’t the only unexpected supporter of Trump. Former Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard is also on board, assisting Trump in his debate strategies. As the next debate approaches, anticipation builds around whether these cross-party endorsements will sway public opinion, especially among conservatives eager for a presidential candidate who isn’t afraid of stirring the pot on public health or political discourse alike.

Written by Staff Reports

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