
Kennedy Schools Biden Nominee on Legal Basics: Wake-up Call for Dems!

Senator John Neely Kennedy, a true champion of conservative values, has once again taken a stand against President Joe Biden’s questionable judicial nominees. This time, he set his sights on nominee Sara E. Hill during her confirmation hearing. As a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Kennedy seized the opportunity to highlight Hill’s lack of legal knowledge.

With his impressive educational background, including a magna cum laude degree in political science, philosophy, and economics from Vanderbilt, a law degree from the University of Virginia, and a Bachelor of Civil Law degree from Oxford, Kennedy is more than qualified to educate aspiring lawyers. And on this day, the committee room became his classroom. Kennedy posed a simple question to Hill: the difference between a “stay order” and an “injunction.” It was a question that any first-semester law student should have been able to answer effortlessly.

To nobody’s surprise, Hill struggled to articulate a response. She stumbled over her words, failing to provide a clear and concise explanation. It’s quite troubling that someone who aspires to be a federal judge lacks this basic understanding of legal terminology.

Carrie Severino, President of the Judicial Crisis Network, rightfully shared the video of this embarrassing exchange. She pointed out the obvious: how could someone who wants to be a federal judge not know the difference between a “stay order” and an “injunction”? It’s a valid question that demands an answer.

And if that wasn’t enough, Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) had the audacity to make light of the situation by congratulating Hill for “passing the Kennedy bar exam.” It’s clear that Durbin and his Democratic colleagues are more interested in covering up their nominee’s incompetence than holding them accountable.

Let’s break it down for those who may not grasp the distinction. According to Cornell University’s Legal Information Institute, a stay order is a court’s action to halt legal proceedings or the actions of a party temporarily. On the other hand, an injunction is a court order that either requires or prohibits a specific action. It’s not rocket science. These are essential concepts that district judges deal with regularly.

Kennedy’s relentless pursuit of exposing Biden’s unqualified nominees has become legendary. He has consistently demonstrated his dedication to upholding the highest standards in our judiciary. It’s clear that Hill’s lack of knowledge reflects poorly on her fitness for the position.

Hill, a former Cherokee Nation Attorney General and Special Assistant U.S. Attorney, was nominated to serve as a Federal District Judge in Northern Oklahoma. While she may hold a Juris Doctorate from the University of Tulsa and a B.A. from Northwestern, it’s evident that her education has fallen short when it comes to understanding fundamental legal principles.

We should applaud Senator Kennedy for his unwavering commitment to ensuring that our judiciary is filled with knowledgeable and competent individuals who will interpret the law faithfully. We need more senators like him who are willing to put the spotlight on nominees who simply don’t measure up. Our legal system deserves better than those who stumble and fumble when asked basic questions.

Written by Staff Reports

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