
Kimmel Schooled by Japan’s Sparkling Order: US Left’s Mess Exposed

As anyone with a functioning brain knows, leftists are always poking around in everyone else’s backyard while their own falls to pieces. Take Jimmy Kimmel, for example. The guy is perplexed by clean bathrooms and a lack of litter in Japan, as if he’s never heard the phrase “cleanliness is next to godliness” before. He took his family on a jaunt to the Land of the Rising Sun and was shocked, shocked I tell you, to find that the bathrooms there were cleaner than a hospital operating room. He had the audacity to claim that America is a “filthy and disgusting place.” Well, Mr. Kimmel, maybe if your leftist friends actually cared about taking care of their own country instead of constantly griping about what they don’t have, our own public spaces might shine as bright as Tokyo.

Kimmel lauded the cleanliness of Japan, but it didn’t happen by magic! No, it’s a direct result of the strict cleanliness rituals ingrained in Japanese society from a young age. Can you imagine if we asked American children to clean their own school bathrooms every day? It would be pandemonium! In Japan, students are responsible for cleaning their classrooms, hallways, and even bathrooms daily. They don’t deface or dirty their school because they are the ones who have to clean it up. What a concept, right?

And it’s not just about cleanliness. Japan boasts one of the lowest crime rates in the world, and it’s not just because of their strict gun laws. It’s also because of their stringent immigration policies and strong police force. The country’s ethnic homogeneity is often credited for its success in preserving traditional values. Meanwhile, our country is facing a breakdown of social and relational values, with a skyrocketing divorce rate of nearly 40 percent compared to Japan’s minuscule 1.2 percent divorce rate. How embarrassing.

Kimmel’s little spiel about Japan being cleaner and safer than the U.S. is just a sad attempt to deflect blame from the real issues plaguing our country. It’s not a lack of litter cans or fancy toilets that make Japan a respectful and safe place to live; it’s their sense of national pride and cultural unity. They are proud of their country and it shows.

The lack of national pride, lax immigration policies, and the erosion of traditional values pushed by leftists like Kimmel have contributed to the downward slide of America. It’s not a laughing matter. If we don’t wake up and start fixing our own problems, we’ll keep falling behind while others are soaring ahead.

So, Mr. Kimmel, maybe it’s time to stop fantasizing about other countries’ immaculate bathrooms and start taking care of your own house. And while you’re at it, take a good look at the mess your leftist friends are making. Maybe then you’ll see that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side – especially when your own house is in disarray.

Written by Staff Reports

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