
KJP Scrambles as Doocy Questions Biden’s Chats with the Deceased!

White House correspondent Peter Doocy of the conservative news network Fox News has a knack for getting under the skin of White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. Typically, Jean-Pierre maintains a facade of civility when responding to (or avoiding) Doocy’s questions. However, during a recent exchange, Doocy’s inquiry about President Joe Biden’s alleged seances with deceased world leaders pushed Jean-Pierre to her breaking point.

The Biden administration has never responded well to questions regarding the president’s evident cognitive decline. But even the most ardent supporters of “Sleepy Joe” cannot spin his recent gaffe in Nevada as anything other than a clear sign that he should retire to a rocking chair at a retirement home. During a speech, Biden attempted to boast about his accomplishments as president but instead spoke of meeting with world leaders in 2021, including Francois Mitterrand, the former president of France who left office in 1995 and passed away in 1996. To make matters worse, Biden initially referred to Mitterrand as the German president, not the French president.

Naturally, reporters and ordinary voters have raised questions about Biden’s confusing statement. When Jean-Pierre addressed reporters, one would think she would have anticipated such questions regarding Biden’s egregious mistake. However, it seems we cannot expect much from the president’s cronies. In a video shared by Citizen Free Press, Doocy asked Jean-Pierre, “How is President Biden ever going to convince the three-quarters of his voters who are worried about his physical and mental health that he is OK, even though in Las Vegas he told a story about recently talking to a French president who died in 1996?”

Rather than attempting to defend the indefensible, Jean-Pierre, appearing visibly weary, responded, “I’m not even going to go down that rabbit hole with you, sir,” before trying to move on to another question. Doocy persisted, asking, “What is the rabbit hole?” All Jean-Pierre could say in response was, “You saw the president in Vegas, in California. You’ve seen the president in South Carolina. You saw him in Michigan. I’ll just leave it there.” Yes, indeed, we have seen Biden embarrass himself in each of those states. So, what exactly is Jean-Pierre’s point?

It’s almost understandable that she would be exhausted from fielding questions about Biden’s mental state, especially since she tends to respond in such a dismissive way to people she dislikes. Nevertheless, the uncomfortable reality remains that simply observing the president making appearances across the country does not erase the valid concerns regarding his mental decline. Doocy was right to question Jean-Pierre on this matter. Biden’s campaign tour has been an unmitigated disaster, and every time he speaks publicly without the controlled environment of his basement bunker, he only confirms the public’s suspicion that he is an elderly man suffering from dementia who is unfit to lead the most powerful nation in the world.

Biden claimed to have spoken with President Mitterrand in 2021, despite the fact that Mitterrand passed away in 1996. He only corrected himself after realizing he had referred to Mitterrand as the German president instead of the French president. Jean-Pierre’s response to Doocy does nothing to reassure voters about Biden’s mental acuity; in fact, it only adds to the delusion that the Democratic Party is attempting to create. It is crucial to follow Doocy’s lead and push back against the narrative while demanding answers to difficult questions. The more the Democrats try to protect Biden, the clearer it becomes that they too recognize his incompetence and can no longer defend him.

Written by Staff Reports

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