
Koch Defectors Join DeSantis Camp, Rebuke Haley Endorsement

Never Back Down, the super PAC championing the cause of Governor Ron DeSantis for the presidential campaign, has successfully recruited two individuals from the AFP Action, a network connected to the wealthy conservative mogul Charles Koch. This defection came after the AFP endorsed former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, a move that didn’t sit well with some members of the organization.

The two grassroots directors from Iowa who made the switch to Never Back Down were simply fed up with the establishment’s rubber stamp for Haley and instead chose to stand by the true conservative leader, Governor Ron DeSantis. The statement from Never Back Down’s Iowa political director, Noah Jennings, exuded confidence and welcomed the new members, emphasizing the grassroots refusal to support the establishment candidate. It’s a clear sign that the conservative base is firmly backing DeSantis over the establishment’s preferred choice.

Dave Vasquez, the national press secretary of Never Back Down, couldn’t contain his excitement about the news and openly celebrated the grassroots activists’ rejection of the establishment candidate, Nikki Haley, in favor of joining the movement to elect Ron DeSantis. It seems that the groundswell of support for DeSantis among the conservative base is only gaining momentum, much to the chagrin of the establishment.

On the other hand, AFP Action tried to downplay the significance of the staff defections, describing it as part of the normal primary season shuffling within the organization. However, the undeniable reality remains that there were dissenting voices within the AFP, with some expressing their disagreement with the Haley endorsement and even facing termination for their outspoken views. The discord within the AFP further underscores the deep divide in the Republican Party regarding the preferred candidate for the 2024 presidential nomination.

The fact that the Koch-affiliated group witnessed internal and public dissent over the Haley endorsement speaks volumes about the ongoing power struggle within the GOP. It’s increasingly clear to see that the conservative base is pushing back against the establishment’s favored candidates and embracing authentic conservative leaders like Ron DeSantis. The grassroots rejection of Haley and the subsequent move to support DeSantis is a telling sign of the changing tides within the conservative movement.

Moreover, the AFP’s unwavering support for Nikki Haley and its assertion that her campaign momentum could help defeat President Joe Biden starkly contrasts with the growing support for DeSantis among the conservative grassroots. The state of Iowa, a critical battleground in the primary season, is witnessing a groundswell of support for DeSantis, with Never Back Down securing support from former AFP Action staffers and further strengthening their Iowa political team.

In the end, the growing tensions among the GOP over the 2024 presidential candidate are clear as day. The establishment’s backing of Nikki Haley is being met with resistance from the conservative base, as evidenced by the significant shift of support towards the unwavering conservative leader, Ron DeSantis. The battle for the soul of the Republican Party is heating up, and it’s becoming increasingly evident that the grassroots are driving the narrative in favor of authentic conservative leadership.

Written by Staff Reports

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