
Lib Fact-Checker Exposes Biden’s Lies, Integrity Doubts Rise

Conservatives have been saying it all along, folks. President Joe Biden has a knack for making bizarre and nonsensical comments that leave us scratching our heads. But now, even some of his once loyal allies are starting to jump ship. Looks like the truth is hard to deny, even for the most ardent Biden supporters.

In a recent article by liberal fact-checker Glenn Kessler of The Washington Post, he admitted that Biden has a history of exaggerating and embellishing tales about his life. Finally, an admission of the truth! It’s clear that Biden’s tendency to stretch the truth has led to doubts about his truthfulness and integrity. And you know what they say, where there’s smoke, there’s fire.

Kessler gave an example of Biden’s tall tales during his remarks about the devastating wildfires in Maui. Biden claimed that he and his wife, Jill, had an understanding of what it’s like to lose a home. According to him, lightning struck their home on a little lake and they almost lost everything, including his beloved 67 Corvette and his cat. But Kessler found that contemporary news reports of the incident didn’t match Biden’s telling of the story. It’s clear that Biden was trying to deceive a vulnerable audience by distorting the truth.

But that’s not all, folks. Biden has a habit of recycling his lies. He has claimed multiple times, at least six to be exact, that he was arrested while trying to visit Nelson Mandela in apartheid South Africa. When fact-checkers determined that this tale was false, Biden adjusted his story to say he was merely “stopped” at the airport. But others on the delegation he was supposedly traveling with said that didn’t happen either. It seems like Biden can’t keep his lies straight.

And the hits just keep on coming. Just a couple of weeks ago, Biden claimed that he personally witnessed a bridge collapse in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania last year. According to him, he saw the bridge collapse from over 200 feet off the ground, going over a valley. But can we really trust Biden’s recollection of events? It’s clear that he’s more interested in creating a dramatic narrative than telling the truth.

Folks, this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Biden’s dishonesty. It’s time for American voters to wake up and realize that we have a president who can’t be trusted to tell the truth. We deserve a leader who values honesty and integrity. And it’s up to us to hold Biden accountable for his continuous stream of falsehoods.

Written by Staff Reports

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