
Libs Spread Lies Again, Fake Ukraine Vid Exposed!

The misleading liberals are at it again, spreading fake news like butter on a hot biscuit! A video circulating on X claims to show Ukrainian residents of Avdiivka welcoming Russian troops with open arms. But hold your horses, folks, because that claim is as phony as a three-dollar bill!

Let’s break it down for you: this so-called heartwarming video is as real as a unicorn sighting. Turns out, the footage is from way back in April 2022 and was actually filmed in Russia, not Ukraine. That’s right, the liberals are trying to pull a fast one on us with old, out-of-context clips. Nice try, but we’re onto you!

And get this, a Russian military blogger ended up pushing daisies after supposedly spilling the beans about Russian troops taking a beating in their quest to conquer Avdiivka. Can you say karma, folks? It looks like the truth is catching up with those sneaky Russians faster than a cheetah on roller skates!

But that’s not all – social media sleuths dug deep and uncovered the real scoop. Through some nifty reverse image searching, it was revealed that the video in question was shot in Dmitrovsk, Russia, not in Avdiivka, Ukraine. The evidence is as clear as day, but leave it to the lefties to twist facts like a pretzel in a circus act.

Let this be a lesson, folks: don’t believe everything you see on the internet, especially when it comes from the same folks who think climate change is a bigger threat than a hungry grizzly bear. Stick to the facts, keep your wits about you, and remember – the truth will always prevail, no matter how hard the fake news peddlers try to cover it up!

Written by Staff Reports

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