The Democrats are starting to openly admit what conservatives have been saying for a while now – Joe Biden’s chances of winning in 2024 are looking pretty grim. reported on the failures of “Bidenomics” and the chaotic mess that Biden’s foreign policies have created. He’s become even less popular than Jimmy Carter during his own failed re-election campaign. And now, some prominent Democrats are finally speaking up about their concerns.
The @POTUS is justly proud of his accomplishments. Trump is a dangerous, unhinged demagogue whose brazen disdain for the rules, norms, laws and institutions or democracy should be disqualifying. But the stakes of miscalculation here are too dramatic to ignore.
— David Axelrod (@davidaxelrod) November 5, 2023
One of them is David Axelrod, former chief strategist for Barack Obama. He took to social media to express his fears, although he did it in a sly, wink-wink kind of way. Basically, he’s scared that Biden will keep going and end up losing to Donald Trump in a catastrophic event for the Democrats. Axelrod and others have convinced themselves that if they can just get rid of Biden, everything will magically be okay. But really, who believes that? Do they honestly think Kamala Harris would do any better as the face of the party? All the evidence we have says she’s one of the worst politicians in recent history. In her most recent interview, she actually said that Joe Biden is “very much alive.” Wow, what a ringing endorsement from the vice president.
This brings up something conservatives have been saying for a long time. There’s just no way to replace Biden with anyone else without causing major damage to the party. Can you imagine the cries of racism and misogyny if Gavin Newsom tried to take over? Democrats might want that swap, but they can’t make it happen. This is what happens when you play the identity politics game – you’re stuck with the consequences. Democrats made a deal with the devil by selecting a senile old man and a vice president solely based on her gender and race. Now they have to live with it. It’s either Biden or Harris, there’s no third option that puts the Democrats back in control.
So, it’s safe to say that the Democrats are starting to panic about their prospects in 2024. And as conservatives, we can’t help but enjoy a little schadenfreude. Maybe next time, the Democrats will think twice before rigging their own primary for short-term gain. But hey, we’ll gladly watch the chaos unfold either way.