
Mainstream Media Panics Over Biden’s Reelection Chances

The mainstream media is squirming, and conservatives are loving every moment of it. The panic over President Joe Biden’s chances of getting reelected is reaching new heights, and the reactions are music to conservative ears.

Some stories gently nudge Biden to show more empathy on the economy, while others outright panic over the idea of a return to the ‘Orange Man Bad’ era. It’s both amusing and concerning to see the Democrat-Media Complex in such a state.

The denial of the media and Democrats is strong, with attempts to blame voters for not understanding the greatness of Biden’s leadership. From questioning people’s nostalgia for Trump to comparing Biden to Boris Yeltsin, the desperation in their narratives is evident.

Even outlets like The New York Times and Vox are struggling to come to terms with Biden’s loss of support among young and non-white voters. The fear of a Republican resurgence under Trump is palpable, with concerns about the future of democracy being raised.

It’s no surprise that some Democrats are contemplating the idea of replacing Biden as their nominee, especially with his recent gaffes like falling asleep at Arlington on Memorial Day. The symbolism is not lost on conservatives, who see it as reflective of his lackluster presidency and reelection campaign.

In the midst of all this chaos, conservative voices like PJ Media are encouraging their supporters to keep the momentum going. The fear-mongering and panic from the mainstream media are signs that the conservative message is resonating, and that alone is cause for celebration in conservative circle

Written by Staff Reports

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