
Major Union Throws Weight Behind Trump in Shocking Endorsement!

In a surprising turn of events, the Oil and Gas Workers Association, the leading union for workers in the fossil fuel industry, has given its endorsement to former President Donald Trump instead of Governor Ron DeSantis. The union, which represents 50,000 workers in domestic drilling, announced their support for Trump in the GOP primary and general election, citing his strong support for the industry and his track record of creating jobs.

Matt Coday, the president of the union, praised President Trump for being the most pro-American Oil & Gas Workers president ever. He highlighted the 11.3 million jobs supported by the industry during Trump’s presidency and the fact that under Trump’s leadership, America became energy dominant. On the other hand, Coday criticized President Joe Biden for his open hostility towards the industry and his push for incentives to transition away from fossil fuels.

Coday contrasted DeSantis’ rhetoric with Trump’s proven record, stating that DeSantis may say the right things, but his track record doesn’t support his words. The disagreement over energy policy between DeSantis and Trump has led to open aggression, with Trump accusing DeSantis of wanting to end incentives for the oil and gas industry during his time in Congress.

This endorsement from the Oil and Gas Workers Association is a major boost for Trump’s campaign, as it showcases his support among workers in the industry. Additionally, next week Trump plans to travel to Michigan to woo another major union, the United Auto Workers, further solidifying his pro-worker image. While Democrats may be concerned about Trump’s ability to outmaneuver President Biden on such issues, it’s clear that Trump’s support among unions is strong and growing.

Written by Staff Reports

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