
Man Declares He’d Back Biden ‘Even in the Grave’!

In a recent interview with NBC News, a Pennsylvania man declared that he would vote for President Biden “even if he was dead” in a potential rematch with former President Donald Trump in 2024. This man, who identified as a Republican, emphasized his love for American Democracy and his willingness to support Biden over Trump. Well, isn’t that dedication for you?

Interestingly enough, Pennsylvania has had some experience with voting for deceased candidates. Just last year, Pennsylvania State Rep. Anthony “Tony” DeLuca, who had passed away a month before the election, was re-elected in a landslide. The Pennsylvania House Democratic campaign committee even celebrated his victory posthumously, claiming that it demonstrated the voters’ confidence in DeLuca and his commitment to Democratic values. Talk about taking “voting for the dead” to a whole new level!

But wait, there’s more! A recent poll from Quinnipiac revealed that President Biden is actually trailing former President Trump by two percentage points in a hypothetical 2024 rematch in Pennsylvania. Not only that, Biden’s approval rating in the Keystone State is underwater by a whopping 16 percentage points, with only 39 percent of voters approving of his job performance. Looks like the honeymoon phase might be over for ol’ Joe in Pennsylvania.

It’s important to note that Biden narrowly won the state by just a couple thousand votes in 2020. With his declining popularity and Trump’s strong showing in the polls, 2024 could shape up to be a close and heated race. Pennsylvania voters seem to be keeping their options open, even if it means considering a dead candidate. Now that’s what you call political loyalty, folks!

Written by Staff Reports

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