
Manhattan Driving Tax: See the Shocking Cost & Where YOUR Money’s Going!

In a time when war profiteers and illegal immigrants are reaping the benefits of public money, everyday Americans are left to suffer under President Joe Biden’s America last policies. The Associated Press reports that a proposal released by a New York state advisory board intends to impose a $15 charge on passenger car drivers entering Manhattan’s central business district during peak traffic hours. The expected $1 billion in annual revenue would be used to improve the city’s mass transit system, or as they call it, “finance borrowing.” It’s no surprise that government entities in the 21st century prefer to pile on more debt rather than actually pay for anything.

This proposal defines the central business district as everything south of 60th Street, encompassing Downtown and Midtown New York, including famous landmarks like Times Square and the Empire State Building. The Traffic Mobility Review Board claims that this would be the nation’s first congestion tolling program, aimed at reducing traffic and air pollution, while also improving public transit accessibility. The proposal is now awaiting a vote from New York’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority after public hearings in February.

The chairman of the state advisory board, Carl Weisbrod, made it clear that public transit upgrades are just half of the objective. He stressed the need to alleviate Manhattan’s excessive traffic congestion and provide funds for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority to maintain quality services. In other words, they believe there are too many drivers in Manhattan. Meanwhile, the advisory board’s recommendations have sparked mixed reactions from various parties. Governor Phil Murphy of neighboring New Jersey has already filed a lawsuit against congestion pricing, arguing that it unfairly burdens New Jersey commuters. Staten Island Borough President Vito Fossella describes the toll as “complete highway robbery” for the people of Staten Island.

Overall, this toll proposal seems to have left no one satisfied. Public-sector employees, residents of the central business district, utility companies, individuals with medical appointments, and drivers of electric vehicles had all hoped for exemptions, but the advisory board rejected all requests. It appears that no one will escape the toll’s reach, much to the delight of… well, no one. As an outsider looking in, it’s clear that New Yorkers have their own way of dealing with traffic congestion and public transportation, regardless of government intervention. It also raises concerns about the wasteful spending of American tax dollars overseas while citizens face cuts in services due to the influx of illegal immigrants. Additionally, a $15 toll will disproportionately affect lower-income individuals, effectively creating a socioeconomic divide resembling a gated community in Manhattan’s central business district. This unnecessary insult adds to the hardships already faced by Americans in Biden’s America.

Written by Staff Reports

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