
Maxine Waters suggests Harris poised to take over as Biden’s health questions grow

U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters has boldly declared that VP Kamala Harris isn’t just waiting in the wings; she’s poised to swoop in like a hawk after President Biden. And before anyone can make excuses about “mistakes” or “mishaps,” Waters has made it clear that this is the plan that has been telegraphed from the start. The far-left darling from California, notorious for her radical antics, is sounding off on The Beat with Ari Melber about Harris’s ambitions, seemingly revealing that a power grab has been on the table all along.

Waters doesn’t mince words when she describes Harris’ climb through the political landscape. She paints a picture of a woman on a mission, determined to claw her way up from being a lawyer to possibly commandeering the Democratic nomination in 2024. This narrative, however, is as sweet as candy for the left, with hardly a hint of acknowledgment about the political landmines Harris has navigated along the way. Instead, Waters emphasizes that there’s nothing accidental about Harris’s career trajectory. Determination, perseverance, and a thick-skinned resolve are the hallmarks of this ascent, or so Waters insists.

This revelation doesn’t just come off as a casual observation; it further fuels speculation about the strategic maneuverings within the Democratic Party. Political analysts are scratching their heads, wondering if Harris has been double-dipping: supporting Biden while secretly plotting her own presidential campaign. The timing of Biden’s potential withdrawal from the 2024 race and Harris’s ascent seems just a bit too choreographed, not to mention conveniently timed with the ongoing concerns about Biden’s health.

Questions loom larger than ever, particularly regarding how well Harris has managed to shield her ambitions while being so closely connected to a floundering president. Reports indicate that Harris and Biden have met at least 80 times in the past year, leading many to wonder how the vice president could be so oblivious to the president’s noticeable decline in physical and mental vigor. In the eyes of many conservatives, it’s not just a question of when Biden will hang up his cleats; it’s about whether Harris was knowingly positioning herself to take over when the time was ripe.

Once again, the Democrats seem to be stuck in a web of their own creation, leaving many to question the loyalty of a vice president who may have had her sights set on the Oval Office since day one. The irony is thick, given that while everyone else recognizes the stark changes in Biden’s condition, Harris’s ability to stay in the blind seems almost too perfect as she readies herself to step into the spotlight. Political theater at its finest or just a grand miscalculation? Whatever the case may be, one thing is for sure—this dynamic duo of Biden and Harris may have a bit more drama brewing than they bargained for.

Written by Staff Reports

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