
Media Spins to Hide Biden Exit and Harris Evasions

Recent weeks have brought about a political spectacle that could rival a circus sideshow, yet the media remains fixated on presenting a polished façade while ignoring the real clowns behind the curtain. With Joe Biden packing his bags for a much-needed exit from the 2024 race—ostensibly due to his deteriorating physical and mental state—one must wonder how the corporate media can continue to prop up this lacklustre administration without batting an eye.

It has been three weeks since Biden’s withdrawal, and the questions surrounding his decision remain as unanswered as ever. How can a man who is reportedly unfit for the rigors of a campaign continue presiding over the Oval Office? The media has seemingly decided to ignore this glaring contradiction, choosing instead to dive further into the murky waters of political misdirection. While they have been busy selling the myth that Biden’s decline was simply “misinformation,” the glaring reality of his senility sits like an elephant in the room—one that no one in the press dares to address.

And speaking of elephants, Kamala Harris, the newly anointed heir to the Democratic throne, has avoided any real scrutiny since stepping into the limelight. Despite never having clinched a single primary vote, she has taken center stage, armed with no more than a press release and the constant encouragement from the fawning media. It’s almost comical how Harris has perfected the art of dodging genuine questions, basking in the glory of a campaigning operation that revolves around minimal engagement and strategic silence.

The last time Harris faced any real press conference was eons ago—December 2023 to be precise—and when she did engage, it was with a group more interested in fawning over her than in challenging her ideas. In two interviews this year, she managed to charm audiences with sound bites that could make one cringe. Meanwhile, her avoidance of hard questions leaves an observer with the impression of someone who is either painfully shy or purposefully calculating.

Sometimes, the media’s obsession with safeguarding Harris leads to baffling dichotomies. While Donald Trump has courageously tackled tough questions and faced criticism head-on—sometimes even from hostile sources—Harris sends her aides to handle key policy discussions, all while denying any engagement with those who might challenge her. After all, why clarify her position on radical policies when the press is content to take her word at face value? One could almost admire the chutzpah if it weren’t so obviously self-serving.

The media’s dance around Harris has left many questions hanging in the air, unanswered and unchallenged. Is there a future ban on certain types of firearms still in the cards? What about her radical views on immigration or policing? Instead of getting to the bottom of her evolving stances, journalists seem more like cheerleaders than watchdogs, facilitating a political sleight of hand that would make any magician proud. In the great game of politics, the responsibility falls on the media to hold leaders accountable—not just cheer for their every move in a spectacle that relies more on illusion than reality.

Instead of honest journalism that serves to illuminate the truth, Americans are left with a narrative that serves the political elite while doing a disservice to the citizenry. Unfortunately, it seems the enlightened press corps has all but forgotten that it is their duty to press for answers rather than settle for a polite nod and a wave from the candidates. As the walls of transparency continue to close in, American voters deserve better than more smoke and mirrors in the political arena.

Written by Staff Reports

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