
Middle East Mayhem: Iran-Backed Attacks on US Troops Soar to 100

According to a U.S. military official, Iran-proxy group attacks on American troops in Iraq and Syria have now reached nearly 100. That’s right, folks, a whopping 100 attacks! These attacks have been ongoing since the start of the Israel-Hamas War, which just shows the extent of Iran’s involvement in supporting these hostile groups.

But it gets even worse. Out of these 100 attacks, at least 66 troops have been injured. That’s 66 brave men and women who have put their lives on the line for our nation and have suffered as a result of these despicable acts. And let’s not forget the 19 troops who were diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries.

Despite the Pentagon conducting counter strikes against the perpetrators and weapons storage facilities, the attacks have not ceased. It’s a clear failure of leadership and a lack of decisive action. It’s time for our government to take a strong stance against Iran and its proxy groups. 

Furthermore, let’s not overlook the fact that Iranian-backed Houthi militants have also ramped up their attacks on commercial vessels linked to Israel in the Red Sea. Our American forces deployed in the region have been roped into this dangerous situation as well. It’s a double whammy of threats from Iran, and it’s high time we take a stand against their aggression.

Iran is clearly taking advantage of the Israel-Hamas conflict to try and force our troops out of the region. But we must stand firm and show them that we will not be intimidated. The safety and well-being of our troops should always be our top priority, and it’s time for the Biden administration to step up and protect our brave men and women in uniform. 

Written by Staff Reports

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