
Mike Johnson Blitzes Biden: Reinstate Trump’s Border Fixes Now!

Representative Mike Johnson, hailing from Louisiana and speaking from a stance rooted in practicality, has fervently called upon President Joe Biden to promptly address the pressing crisis unfolding at the southern border. In a direct appeal to the president, Johnson advocated for the reinstatement of pivotal policies initiated during the Trump era, particularly emphasizing the efficacy of the Remain in Mexico program. This program, once in place, had effectively managed the influx of asylum-seekers, ensuring a level of order that starkly contrasts the current disarray witnessed today.

But Johnson didn’t just deliver a message—he urged for swift action. He demanded the expedited removal of undocumented immigrants unable to demonstrate eligibility for asylum. Stressing the urgency of the matter, he pointed to the staggering statistics: a record-breaking 2.48 million illegal immigrant encounters by Customs and Border Patrol in the fiscal year 2023, among which a startling 670,000 were classified as "got-a-ways."

Illustrating the grave repercussions of an open border, the Speaker underscored the "unspeakable human tragedy for migrants and certainly for our own citizens." He unequivocally attributed this chaos and suffering to the policies of the Biden administration, signaling an imperative need to halt this descent into disorder.

Beyond highlighting the issue, Johnson provided tangible solutions. He implored Biden to take immediate action by reinstating other successful Trump-era policies, such as resuming the construction of the border wall and terminating the detrimental "catch-and-release" approach that supplanted the effective "Remain in Mexico" program.

While border discussions continue within the Senate, Johnson refuses to abide by prolonged deliberations. He stressed the immediate necessity for action, emphasizing that the state of the southern border has deteriorated to a degree where delay is no longer an option.

Predictably, the Democratic-led Senate might not readily endorse the House GOP’s border bill, aligning with their steadfast open-border agenda. Even if a change of heart were to occur, Biden has already issued a veto threat against the legislation. Standard procedure, it seems.

Biden’s response to Johnson’s appeal remains uncertain, but it's high time someone demanded measures to secure our borders and safeguard American citizens. Will the administration heed this call grounded in reason, or persist on the path of disorder and hardship? The answer lies in time’s hands. 

Written by Staff Reports

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