
Minibus Mayhem: GOP Slams Dems’ Swamp Spending Spree!

The liberal loonies in Congress are at it again, causing a ruckus over the proposed “minibus” that combines six essential spending bills into one. You’d think they were trying to herd a bunch of cats with how disorganized they are! The Republicans in both the House and Senate are fuming over this monstrosity, and they’ve got good reason. First off, it’s just one big ol’ mess of earmarks and hogwash, and there’s barely a peep about securing our southern border. Rep. Chip Roy and Sen. Mike Lee, two fine gents from Texas and Utah, respectively, have made it clear they’re not having it with this “Swamp Omnibus.”

Chip Roy wasn’t holding back, calling out the excessive spending and the lack of action on the border. He pointed out how Congress blew past bipartisan spending caps by a whopping $69 billion, funding mass illegal alien releases and giving a big ol’ wad of cash to those radical progressive Democrats. It’s like they’re handing out money at a circus! And let’s not forget about Sen. Mike Lee, who labeled the proposal as the “Swamp Omnibus” and urged his fellow Republicans to stand against it. He’s had it up to here with all the earmarks, inflation, and illegal immigration, and who can blame him?

Then there’s Rep. Thomas Massie, who didn’t hold back on calling out the earmarks, especially one for Louisiana that seemed like it was slipped in under the table. These politicians are like kids in a candy store with all these pet projects and handouts, and it’s about time someone called them out on it!

Now, this minibus is supposed to cover funding for Agriculture, Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, Energy and Water, Interior and Environment, and Commerce, Justice, and Science. It’s like they tried to throw every pot in the kitchen sink into this mess! And to top it all off, they’re rushing this through ahead of a deadline to avert a partial government shutdown. It’s like they’re trying to cram for a test the night before it’s due!

In the end, these Republicans are standing firm against this hodgepodge of a bill, and they’re not afraid to ruffle a few feathers in the process. It’s a circus out there in Capitol Hill, and these guys are the few brave souls trying to keep the clowns in check!

Written by Staff Reports

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