
Mitt Romney Backs Out! Won’t Seek Reelection!

Legendary flip-flopper Mitt Romney has officially announced that he will not be running for reelection. In a video statement, Romney claimed that it is time for a “new generation of leaders” to take control. Oh, how convenient! Just when the going gets tough, Romney decides to bail out, leaving the mess for someone else to clean up. Typical.

Romney tried to paint himself as some kind of hero, listing off his supposed accomplishments like the bipartisan infrastructure bill and the Electoral Count Act reform bill. But let’s not forget that he also voted to impeach President Trump during his first impeachment trial, a move that earned him a well-deserved censure from local GOP officials and conservative groups. Romney has consistently shown that he is more interested in his own political career than in actually standing up for conservative principles.

One thing is for sure, Utahns will not be shedding any tears over Romney’s departure. Now they have the opportunity to elect a true conservative who will actually fight for their values. The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) is confident that they will be able to keep Utah red in 2024. Good riddance, Romney. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!

Written by Staff Reports

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