
Moore Boosts Conservatives: No Point Without Solid Evidence!

In a recent Democratic talking point, it has been proclaimed that there is “no evidence” of any wrongdoing on the part of President Joe Biden in relation to the impeachment inquiry. Well, Susie Moore is here to say: “No evidence, my rear.” She points out that there is actually plenty of evidence to suggest otherwise. Things like bank records, suspicious activity reports, texts, photos, emails, phone calls, witness testimony, and millions of dollars paid to multiple Biden family members by foreign nationals. That seems like quite a bit of evidence if you ask me.

Sure, you can debate the credibility and weight of the evidence. You can also question whether it meets the burden of proof required for impeachment. But what you can’t do is put your fingers in your ears and pretend that there’s no evidence at all. That’s just not a rational or intellectually honest position to take. It’s like sticking your head in the sand and hoping the problem goes away. Sorry, but that’s not how it works.

Susie Moore is the Deputy Managing Editor for RedState and she’s not afraid to call it like she sees it. She’s a Christian, a mom, an attorney, a writer, a podcaster, and a regular guest on NewsTalkSTL in St. Louis. She’s also a die-hard sports fan and a lover of good food and dogs. You’ll find her opinions sprinkled throughout her writing, especially when it comes to politics. So if you’re looking for some straight talk from a conservative perspective, look no further than Susie Moore.

Written by Staff Reports

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