
MSNBC Defends Narrative as ABC Fined $16 Million for False Trump Claims

MSNBC’s latest attempt to defend its liberal narrative was on full display as the network’s anchors scrambled to make sense of ABC’s hefty penalty for peddling falsehoods about President-elect Donald Trump. In a startling turn of events, George Stephanopoulos, the regal host of ABC’s Sunday show, became the poster child for how not to handle truth in journalism, ultimately leading his network to cough up $16 million—yes, $16 million—in a very public acknowledgment of wrongdoing. But rather than backing the president or simply bringing up the very inconvenient fact of their financial loss, the star players at MSNBC chose to foster their anti-Trump narrative instead.

On their weekend broadcast, MSNBC hosts took it upon themselves to complain that ABC’s very own cash-splash is sending mixed signals through a media environment that already feels cramped and curbed. Michael Steele expressed concern that the media is getting softer and more “friendly” regarding Trump, which has to be a bitter pill for his audience who are used to the ice-cold dish of disdain characteristic of most mainstream media. Apparently, to Steele, the worst thing that could happen is the media buzzing around Trump without the usual fangs out.\

Symone Sanders chimed in with melodrama, suggesting there’s a “chilling effect” on media coverage. It’s a marvel how the left can both demand media integrity while simultaneously dismissing facts incompatible with their narrative. According to Sanders, the punishment of George and ABC is tantamount to media censorship, evidently overlooking the notion that perhaps lying shouldn’t be so cozy in the world of journalism.

Trump’s attitude towards this entire mess is classic Trump. He’s not sitting back and taking the high road like the good politicians of yore. Instead, he’s targeting other media outlets that have slandered him throughout his campaign and early presidency. This move is another one of those “how dare he?” moments for Democrats who expect everyone to roll over while they print any old nonsense in their crusade against him.

Brent Baker from the Media Research Center succinctly summarized the absurdity of the situation. Commentary like Steele’s and Sanders’ only reiterates their ignorance regarding the real issue at hand, which is how badly they’ve been caught manufacturing smears against Trump. Instead of worrying about the chilling effects on their coverage, they might better focus on not tarnishing political figures with falsehoods and hitting the newsroom targets of truth and clarity. It appears the real fear isn’t a punishing consequence from allowing falsehoods to fly, but the uncomfortable prospect of having to discuss any topic without a slant.

As the media circus continues, the stark irony remains: a hefty payout for fabrications has only made mainstream pundits more determined, if not slightly more pathetic, in their battle against truth. Where this leaves the country is anyone’s guess, but it’s clear that if TRUTH were a TV show, it’d be canceled by now thanks to these networks.

Written by Staff Reports

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