
New Mexico AG Abandons Anti-Gun Governor in Freedom Stand-off!

In a surprising turn of events, New Mexico Attorney General Raul Torrez has made it clear that he will not be coming to the defense of Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham regarding the various lawsuits filed against her. These lawsuits are in response to her order banning the open and concealed carry of firearms in Albuquerque, which many argue is both illegal and unconstitutional. Torrez, in his statement, confirmed what many already knew – that the ban would not stand up to constitutional scrutiny.

As predicted, the lawsuits were filed almost immediately after Grisham issued her order. One of these lawsuits comes from the National Association for Gun Rights, a group known for their successful legal challenges against similar orders and laws. The complaint argues that the ban must be justified based on the historical tradition of firearm regulation in the nation, and since there is no such tradition, the ban is unwarranted. Grisham, however, has not backed down from her position and continues to defend her illegal order.

It is refreshing to see not only conservatives but also some on the left speaking out against Grisham’s overreach. Even the state attorney general, a registered Democrat, has refused to defend her in court. This shows just how extreme and unconstitutional her actions are. When even liberal politicians and gun-control advocates are criticizing her, you know she has truly gone too far. Grisham’s refusal to admit her mistake and her insistence on pushing forward with her ban only further highlight her incompetence as a leader.

While Grisham tries to paint herself as “doing it for the children,” her ban on law-abiding citizens carrying guns will do nothing to keep children safe. It is simply a way for her to punish her political enemies. She may be in for a rude awakening when the courts rule against her and her illegal order is struck down. It’s about time these tyrannical politicians are held accountable for their actions, and Grisham is about to face the consequences of her overreach.

Written by Staff Reports

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