
Ngo Strikes Again: Antifa Legal Battle Takes Shocking Twist!

In a major victory for investigative journalist Andy Ngo, a civil case against his Antifa attackers ended in his favor. The trial, which concluded on Monday, found that Ngo was indeed a victim of assault and battery by Madison “Denny” Lee Allen, Katherine “Corbyn” Belyea, and Joseph Christian Evans, all of whom identify as transgender. The court awarded Ngo $300,000 in damages, to be split equally among the defendants.

Ngo’s civil complaint detailed the brutal attack he suffered at the hands of Rose City Antifa members in June 2019. He was beaten, doused in “concrete-infused milkshakes,” and struck with hard-edged placards, resulting in a brain bleed and severe injuries. Ngo testified that the attack caused significant emotional distress, PTSD, and short-term memory issues, affecting his work as a journalist.

In addition to the physical and emotional toll, Ngo and his family faced harassment and threats from Antifa radicals. Their private information was doxxed, forcing Ngo to flee the U.S. and leaving him unable to care for his elderly parents. Ngo’s legal team presented evidence of the financial impact, including medical expenses, a broken phone, and home security measures taken out of fear for their safety.

The judgment against the defendants was handed down because they failed to appear in court. However, Ngo acknowledged that collecting on the damages may be challenging due to their history of evasion. Despite this, he remains determined to hold Antifa accountable for their violent actions.

Notably, two Antifa militants were found not liable in earlier proceedings, despite evidence and an admission of guilt by one of the defendants. The trial was marred by intimidation and threats of violence, with jurors’ identities needing to be sealed. Ngo expressed the difficulty of reliving the trauma and facing his harassers, but emphasized the importance of taking Antifa to trial.

Following the trial, Ngo’s colleague, Katie Daviscourt, experienced further retaliation from Antifa extremists, with her vehicle vandalized and property stolen. These acts serve as a stark reminder of the ongoing violence perpetrated by this far-left movement.

This victory for Ngo is a small vindication for his pursuit of justice and protection of First Amendment rights. It also highlights the need to address the concerning rise of Antifa and hold its members accountable for their actions.

Written by Staff Reports

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