
NH House Crushes Child Gender Surgeries in Trailblazing Vote!

The New Hampshire House of Representatives, packed with red-blooded conservatives, gave a resounding “no way, Jose!” to gender transition surgeries for kids and sent the message over to the state Senate. In a nail-biting vote of 199-175, the bill flew through with flying colors, as 12 brave Democrats joined forces with almost all the Republicans to put a stop to doctors slicing and dicing children’s private parts just because they say they’re a different gender. Only two Republicans had the guts to vote against the measure – guess they missed the memo on protecting our kiddos.

This ain’t just about saying “no” to gender surgeries, folks. Oh no, this bill also slams shut the door on doctors referring kids to out-of-state quacks who are willing to take a scalpel to our precious little ones. The state Senate is about to jump on this righteous bandwagon and make it official – no slicing and dicing for New Hampshire’s kids, thank you very much!

One brave Democratic Rep, Jonah Wheeler, stood tall amongst the liberal chaos and spoke out in favor of the bill, saying, “Do I believe children should be able to get an irreversible surgery? Heck no, and I’m a bleeding-heart liberal saying this! Kids need to be kids, not science projects.”

Now, the bill originally aimed to put the kibosh on puberty blockers and wacky cross-sex hormones too, but those got the boot. Why stop at just the surgery, folks? Let’s keep the whole ridiculous circus out of town!

But wait, there’s always one in the crowd, right? Enter stage right: Rep. Dan Hynes, an independent-in-Republican-clothing, who didn’t get the memo about protecting our young’uns. He yammered on about “parental rights” and “medical freedom,” blabbering about how parents should be free to turn little Johnny into little Jane if they fancy it. Give us a break, Hynes!

And what about the man in charge? Governor Chris Sununu hasn’t sounded off yet, but if he gives that pen a whirl and signs off on this golden nugget of legislation, New Hampshire will slide right into the 21st spot in the “No Gender Surgery for Kids” lineup. Now, that’s some GOP power punch right there, folks!

Written by Staff Reports

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