
NY Times Caught Hiding KEY Word in Hunter Biden Saga

Well, well, well. The New York Times strikes again, folks! This time they decided to play a little game of editing omissions during Hunter Biden’s press conference. Can you guess what word they conveniently left out? Yup, you guessed it – “financially.”

Hunter boldly proclaimed that his dear old dad, President Joe Biden, had absolutely no financial involvement in his shady business dealings. But of course, the New York Times had to do some creative editing and erase that important little word. Instead, they reported that Biden had no involvement whatsoever in his son’s business escapades. How convenient!

Now, this statement from Hunter is a massive departure from the Biden administration’s previous claims that Joe Biden knew nothing about his son’s wheeling and dealing. Oh, how the narrative has shifted over time! Congressional investigators have been digging up all sorts of interesting tidbits, like bank records showing millions of dollars flowing into the Biden family’s pockets for no apparent reason. I guess it’s all just a big coincidence, right?

But wait, there’s more! Those investigators also uncovered a treasure trove of emails written by none other than President Biden himself, using some sneaky aliases. In these emails, he discussed Hunter’s business dealings in great detail. So much for not being involved, huh?

Despite even some House Democrats and left-leaning media outlets admitting that Joe Biden had knowledge and involvement in his son’s sketchy ventures, the New York Times decided to play favorites and edit Hunter’s quote. They just couldn’t resist. It’s almost like they have an agenda or something.

Their congressional reporter, Luke Broadwater, was caught out there spreading this doctored quote on social media. And surprise, surprise, the posts are still up! Can’t say we’re surprised though, because we all know the New York Times is more interested in pushing their DNC propaganda than reporting the truth.

But let’s not forget about the circus happening on the Hill. House Republicans had the audacity to subpoena Hunter Biden and ask him to testify behind closed doors. You know, just like they did during Trump’s impeachment hearings. But instead of showing up like a responsible adult, Hunter decided to throw a little press conference where he accused Republicans of a political witch hunt. Classic move.

Of course, House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer isn’t letting Hunter off the hook that easily. He’s moving to hold him in contempt of Congress. And honestly, can you blame him? When someone has been dodging subpoenas and playing games, it’s time to bring out the big guns.

So there you have it, folks. Another day in the never-ending saga of the Biden family’s questionable activities. The New York Times continues to play fast and loose with the truth, and Hunter Biden continues to evade accountability. It’s like a bad soap opera that just won’t end. But hey, at least we get some entertainment out of it, right?

Written by Staff Reports

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