
NY Times Poll: Trump Gains Historic Support Among Black Voters, Biden’s Lead Crumbles

Brace yourselves, liberals: the latest New York Times/Siena poll is sending shockwaves through the Democratic camp. Despite their best efforts to keep this under wraps, former President Donald J. Trump is on track to achieve a historic performance among black voters this year. If this trend continues, Joe Biden might permanently reside in a rocking chair.

Even CNN’s Harry Enten couldn’t dodge this reality check. He was left practically speechless while discussing Trump’s growing support among black voters, especially those under 50 who were staunch Biden supporters just four years ago. Back in 2020, Biden enjoyed an 80-point lead with this demographic. Fast forward to now, and that lead has dwindled to a mere 37 points. Enten admitted there’s little to nothing that can reverse this defecting trend.

The New York Times poll doesn’t just scratch the surface; it digs deep, showing Trump courting a remarkable 30 percent of the black vote among registered voters and 26 percent among likely voters. Even left-leaning reporter Michael Tracey couldn’t help but note that if these numbers hold, Trump will secure the largest share of the black vote for a Republican since Richard Nixon in 1960.

So, is this just a fluke? Not according to Nate Silver, who laid out the state of the race and highlighted how stable the 2024 election is shaping up to be. The electorate knows who’s on the ballot, and their minds are made up. Numerous polls consistently point to a Biden defeat if there aren’t any drastic changes, and Trump is dominating on all major issues, from the economy to protecting democracy (yes, the irony is rich).

The NYT/Siena College polls even suggest that Trump, not Biden, would come out on top if everyone voted. This reflects how Trump’s brand of conservative populism has upended American politics, rallying liberals to defend their pet issues while leaving the average, disengaged voter more aligned with Trump on pocketbook concerns.

The Democrats are bound, and Biden has one last shot to reverse this trajectory. But let’s be real, folks: can he even make it through a 90-minute debate without stumbling or mixing up his words? Given the direction things are headed, it seems like the nursing home will soon have a new resident.

Written by Staff Reports

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