
NYT Reporter Finally Slams Biden’s Media Hideaway

The New York Times, the beloved home of liberal bias, is facing criticism once again from conservatives. They’ve been accused for years of favoring President Joe Biden, from refusing to acknowledge the truth about his son’s laptop to now slamming him for his lack of transparency. It’s like they can’t make up their minds!

But now, in a move that might make the White House feel a little betrayed, one of their own reporters called out Sleepy Joe for only giving interviews to friendly outlets. I mean, come on Joe, can’t handle a tough question? What are you hiding?

According to Fox News, this reporter, Zolan Kanno-Youngs, made the critique while speaking at the 2023 Texas Tribune Festival. Attendees were asked to compare Biden’s recluse behavior with former President Donald Trump’s eagerness to engage with the media. And let me tell you, the difference is night and day!

Sure, the Biden team holds daily press briefings, which is a step up from Trump’s administration. But Kanno-Youngs pointed out that Biden has only given two interviews with print media so far. Two! And both of them were as cozy as a warm blanket on a cold winter’s night.

Instead of facing tough questions from real journalists, Biden prefers to chat with “friendly talk show hosts.” I guess he feels more comfortable discussing his agenda with people who won’t challenge his ideas. But isn’t it the job of the press to hold the president accountable? Apparently not in Biden’s world.

Kanno-Youngs warned that by avoiding hard-hitting interviews, Biden is allowing the void to be filled with assumptions. And we all know what assuming does – it makes a you-know-what out of you and me! Maybe this is all part of Biden’s strategy to protect himself from pesky reporters. But shouldn’t the American people have the right to know the truth?

Fox News highlighted the few interviews Biden has given recently, and surprise, surprise, they were all friendly. No uncomfortable questions, no challenging topics. It’s almost like the White House knows that Biden can’t handle impromptu answers or stay on message. Is this really the leader we want?

So, once again, The New York Times is exposed for its double standards and liberal bias. It’s clear that they are more interested in protecting Biden than in holding him accountable. But as conservatives, we won’t let them get away with it. We demand transparency and tough questions. It’s time for Biden to step out of his comfort zone and face the real press. The American people deserve nothing less!

Written by Staff Reports

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