
Obama Aides Blast Biden’s Age, Dems in Disarray!

In a jaw-dropping episode of Pod Save America, a group of former Obama administration cronies raised the red flag on President Joe Biden’s advanced age, 81, and the potential problems it presents for the Democrats. They seemed to admit that ol’ Joe is looking kind of rough around the edges and may not be the sharpest tool in the shed anymore.

The alarm was sounded by former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau, who didn’t hold back in his assessment of Biden’s decline. He described Biden’s voice as sounding “frail” and pointed out that his shuffling has increased due to arthritic back pain. Yikes, it sounds like Biden’s bringing the nursing home energy to the White House!

But wait, it gets even more ridiculous. Favreau suggested that the best way to cover up Biden’s mental slip-ups is to trot him out into the spotlight even more. Yeah, because nothing says “sharp as a tack” like additional public speaking gaffes and confusion, right? Another former Obama speechwriter, Jon Lovett, hopped on the crazy train and agreed that more public appearances might help distract from Biden’s mental lapses.

But it doesn’t stop there. Dan Pfeiffer, another Obama lackey, chimed in with his two cents, admitting that if Biden can’t convince the public that he’s not just an old-timer with memory issues, he’s doomed in 2024. In other words, Biden’s brain farts may be the kiss of death for the Dems.

And of course, the Democrats are scrambling to spin this mess. Their feeble attempts include trying to pass off Biden’s age as a badge of wisdom or pointing fingers at former President Trump’s age. It’s like a game of “Who’s More Senile?” but on a national stage.

In a recent appearance on Late Night with Seth Meyers, Biden even stooped to questioning Trump’s mental sharpness, as if that somehow erases his own issues. Classic deflection move, Joe.

It’s clear that the Democrats have a ticking time bomb on their hands with Biden. Whether they can pull off a magic trick to distract from his decline remains to be seen. But let’s face it, trying to polish this turd of a situation is like putting lipstick on a pig – it’s not fooling anyone.

Written by Staff Reports

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