
Obama Pal Axelrod Rings Alarm on Biden Age Issue, Rattles Dems

Democratic strategist David Axelrod, known for being buddy-buddy with former President Barack Obama, just won’t quit with his criticism of President Joe Biden. This time, he’s blabbing about the age issue, harping on the fact that, well, ya can’t turn back time, people! Axelrod, who’s more tied up with Obama than a cowboy and his lasso, told CNN’s Dana Bash, as he yakked it up with former Republican Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, that Biden’s age is a real doozy for his reelection campaign. He added that folks watching him on the boob tube are frettin’ about it.

Axelrod pointed to a couple of recent polls that wave the age concern like a red flag. According to a New York Times/Siena College poll, former President Donald Trump is leading Biden in five of six critical swing swings (no, not the playground kind), and a whopping 71% of voters think the president is “too old” to be commander in chief. Another CNN poll backed that up, showing only a quarter of folks believe Biden’s got the “oomph and smarts” to be prez, while 53% think Trump’s got it goin’ on.

“I think that there is one issue that is hanging over him,” Axelrod blabbed. “There are concerns about inflation; that’s a problem. Those could be overcome. And I think with Donald Trump on the other end, he could still win this election. But the age issue is difficult. And so, Phillips is trying to exploit that.” (And yes, he’s talking about Rep. Dean Phillips, who’s been making a fuss about Biden stepping down and makin’ room for fresh blood.)

Axelrod set off a firestorm last week when he seemed to imply that Biden should rethink this whole running for president thing in a post, with folks blowin’ up and sayin’ he told Biden to throw in the towel. But, Axelrod slyly told Politico that everyone was just overreacting, and he totally wasn’t tellin’ Biden to pack it in.

Written by Staff Reports

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