
Open Borders, Stolen Lives: Innocent American Victim of Illegal Alien Crime

I guarantee you, folks, you won’t read an article like this in the mainstream media. It’s downright tragic and infuriating. The heartbreak that Jacqueline Medina is enduring after discovering her daughter, Lizbeth, murdered in their own home is a gut-wrenching reminder of the dangers that emanate from our open border policies.

Why isn’t this front-page news everywhere? Because the liberal media and the Biden administration don’t want to acknowledge the devastating impact of illegal immigration on the safety and security of American citizens. They’d rather sweep it under the rug and pretend like it’s not happening.

Just imagine, Jacqueline went to work one morning expecting to see her daughter cheer at the Edna Christmas parade, only to find herself planning her daughter’s funeral instead. It’s a nightmare that no parent should ever have to endure, and yet, it’s becoming all too common in our country.

And who’s to blame for this tragedy? An illegal alien. That’s right, an illegal alien by the name of Rafael Govea Romero is the one charged with Lizbeth’s murder. This monster wasn’t even supposed to be in our country, yet thanks to the total lack of border control, he was able to roam free and commit this heinous crime.

It’s enraging to think that Lizbeth’s life was taken by someone who had no legal right to be in the United States in the first place. It’s a direct consequence of the Biden administration’s reckless immigration policies. And what’s worse is that this is just one example of many. Countless illegal aliens are running amok in our country, and who knows how many more innocent lives they will take before something is done to secure our border?

And yet, while we’re dealing with this heartbreaking loss, liberal social media platforms and advertisers are trying to silence the truth. They’re censoring conservative voices and threatening the very foundation of free speech. It’s an all-out assault on our values and our way of life. We need to stand together against this tyranny and fight for the truth.

Lizbeth’s memory must not be forgotten. Her tragic story serves as a chilling wake-up call to every American. We cannot afford to turn a blind eye to the dangers posed by illegal immigration any longer. It’s time to hold the Biden administration accountable and demand action to secure our borders and protect our citizens. We owe it to Lizbeth, her family, and every American who deserves to feel safe in their own country. Stand with us, and let’s make our voices heard.

Written by Staff Reports

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